Do not confuse maltodextrin with dextrin

Dextrins belong to a group of carbohydrates with low molecular weight. They are produced from starch and built of many molecules of glucose (different polymers of glucose). They are used in food processing and as fiber supplements. Since they act as fiber, consumption of dextrins is beneficial for:

  • Healthy intestinal flora as they are prebiotic so they contribute to maintain good bacteria in intestines.
  • Lowering LDL level to support cardiovascular health 
  • Elimination of wastes out of the body through increased bowel movement and therefore, helpful in weight and constipation fight, supporting colon health   
  • lowering the blood sugar level (as in case of all fibers) 

However, unlike probiotics, prebiotics can be overdose and can cause intestinal bloating, pain, flatulence or even diarrhea.